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View & Edit Your Campaigns

How to view your campaigns


Head to 'Campaigns' in the left menu and select 'Manage Templates'


Here you can view all your templates within your system set to go out to your clients at the correct times. 


Note: certain campaigns are duplicated to multiple nurture journeys.


Active Agent

How to edit your campaigns


Hover over the campaign you would like to edit it and select 'Edit'. This will bring you to the campaign editor.


  • Drag and drop content blocks from the sidebar into your campaign. For example, you can add images, buttons, text blocks, social links, and more

  • Provide updated text by typing it into the text content block

  • Use the "Options" feature to format any content block by adjusting line height, background color, padding, and more. To access these settings, click the block in your email that you wish to adjust

  • Click the "Save & Exit" button when finished


Active Agent

Once you have made the edits you would like save and exit the template and contact us to let us know which templates you have made amendments to. Simply state all the campaigns you have made changes to using the campaign titles (e.g. LL Nurture 1st) and we'll change them over as soon as possible for you.


​Note: your campaigns will not automatically update unless you notify us of any changes. 

(Contact: or

If there's anything you're unsure of please don't hesitate to Contact Us. Also feel free to book on for a one-on-one training session with a member of our expert team to go through your system Training with you or any other staff in your office.

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