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Don’t just guess what’s working and what’s not. Using our advanced reporting feature enables you to gain exceptionally clear, detailed and easily-digestible data on not only your customers’ experience and behaviour but also the performance of your office and its staff.
Are You Listening?
The most powerful capabilities of great data and reporting is the ability to listen to your contacts, review their replies, and tailor your responses and messages accordingly.
Knowledge Is Power
You can view an overview of your pipelines, as well as the percentage of open, won or closed deals within each pipeline. This enables you to assess how successful your conversions are in real-time. Our Deals Funnel Report will also provide you an overall view of each of your funnels, displaying how many deals are in each stage of the pipeline and their general behaviours.
Ownership is Everything
With our report by owners, you can see an overview of the number of deals, as well as their status, associated with each individual team member. Enabling you to assess the efficiency of individual members of your team whilst also providing a sense of ownership and responsibility to encourage improved productivity.
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