How to manually add a new client.
Click on the “Deals” tab on the left-hand side. You’re now in the CRM.
Click the blue “+ Add a Deal” icon in the upper right corner.
Fill details in the “Add a New Deal” window.
Deal Title = Full property address.
Value = Expected commission.
Pipeline = Will automatically select the pipeline you are in.
Stage = Select Lead In
Deal Owner = The staff member who will be in charge of the deal. This can be changed at any time
Forecasted Close Date = Expected date property will come to the market.
Deal Description = Any relevant information on the customer or property.
Contact Name or Email Address = Enter the customer's name. The system will then ask to create the contact. Once approved email and phone number boxes will appear.
Contact Email Address = Request GDPR acceptance.
Phone = Enter mobile number.
Click “Add Deal” button in the window.
The deal will appear in the pipeline.
Click on the deal and the deal page will open. To add more info or book an appointment you will need to enter the Contact Page. Click on the customers name to enter Contact Page.
You can now enter additional information about the deal or customer.
How to amend an automated Deal.
Deals will also populate into appropriate pipelines from click-through advertising.
Once these deals come through the Deal Title will be that of the where the deal has populated from.
Once contact with the customer is made this will need to be changed to the property address.
If there's anything you're unsure of please don't hesitate to Contact Us. Also feel free to book on for a one-on-one training session with a member of our expert team to go through your system Training with you or any other staff in your office.