Using App after an appointment to send your proposal
Open the CRM APP on your smartphone. (images below show iPhone usage)
Once logged in you will be taken to the Tasks screen.
Click on the Deals button to take you to the Deals screen.
Once in the Deals screen check your settings, top left.
Check that the Deal Owner is set to yourself. If you cant see the deal or task you require, change Deal Owner to All.
Change the Pipeline in the top banner to the Pipeline you require.
Change the Stage in the Pipeline to Appointment Made.
Click on the appointment required.
Click Edit in the top right hand corner to take you to the Edit Deal page.
Complete the details required within the Edit Deal sections. If you wish to add a personal message to the proposal complete the section EXTRA PROPOSAL INFO.
Click on Send Proposal and choose what proposal you wish to send. Press Save (you can send more than one at once)
The information entered will now be populated with the Active Agent Deal Page.
An interactive proposal will be automatically sent. You will be notified of actions taken also forms and contracts will be sent if client accepts offer.
Resending a proposal
First, if you wish to edit any of the figures do this now.
Reselect the 'Send Proposal' field.
You MUST select 'None' and save in order to reset the automation.
You can now click back on 'Send Proposal' and select the proposal you would like to send.
Remember to click 'Save' to select the correct proposal and then again in the top right once you are done editing the deal details.
Proposal not sending?
​Your proposal might not be sending for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, if resending a proposal please make sure you are following the steps above. If you do not reset the automation by selecting the proposal to 'None' first, the proposal will not send.
Another reason your proposal may not have sent is if the contact has bounced. This could happen for many reasons such as their mail provider is down (or overloaded), the email address is incorrect or no longer exists or due to a lack of storage.
It will tell you if the contact has bounced on the contact page, under general details, check the lists fields for any warning symbols.
​If this has happened, click on the warning circle and change the status from 'Bounced' to 'Subscribed'. You can now resend the proposal.
​IF the client has unsubscribed they will also not receive the proposal. Similarly to bounced contacts, unsubscribed contacts will have the same warning symbol under General Details next to 'Lists'.
Due to GDPR reasons, before resubscribing them to send the proposal you must first have their permission to do so. Once this is acquired follow the same process as bounced clients by changing the status from 'Unsubscribed' to 'Subscribed' and then resend the proposal.
If there's anything you're unsure of please don't hesitate to Contact Us. Also feel free to book on for a one-on-one training session with a member of our expert team to go through your system Training with you or any other staff in your office.